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Giving students the opportunity to become familiar with the various disciplines in Zoology. Basic concepts, classifications, and phylogenetic relationships are all covered. ##Your Title Here Type of Content: Informative Instructions for Writing your Introduction: When you are reading through your introduction, try to act out different voices or characters when you read it aloud in order to fully immerse yourself in the mood of your story. You can also try recording yourself reading it aloud and then listen back on how it sounds. Try not to sound monotone or bland by varying up how you say each sentence. If the introduction is a story you made up, give it a title and make up your own setting.Instructions for Writing your Body: When you are writing out the body of your story, be sure to include major plot twists and events that happen in your story. Also take time to explain things like what characters look like and their characteristics like how they dress and how they act. Try not to confuse the reader with switching between 1st person and 3rd person or 1st person plural narrative. Make sure that whatever point of view you choose to use, you remind the reader as soon as possible so as to avoid confusing them. Instructions for Writing your Conclusion/Conclusion: This is the most important part of your story. When you are writing this part, make sure that you are not only telling the facts, but also letting it end with a moral or lesson to remember. It can be hard to write this part when you are writing because sometimes when you are writing, you find that it takes too long or turns into something that is too small or inconsequential. All in all, try to make sure in your conclusion that the reader has an appreciation of what is in their life and what they have learned in order for them to grow.. Example: Introduction: "In a land where the grass was as green as Grom's eyes, and the trees were as tall as a dwarf stood, there lived a mage. This mage had been turned out of his home by his parents because he was born with a gift. He was able to use this gift to do things that others weren't able to do. One day, after many years of being cast out from society, the Mage cast a spell on all those who had cast him out with them being turned into animals. The animals ran from their homes and from others they feared would turn them away if they saw what they had become. It was then that Grom, who had been cast out of his home in his youth due to him trying to help his village when he saw them being attacked by goblins, found the animals. He brought them back to his home, where they would reside for the rest of their days with Grom helping them all he could with this gift of magic. It is sad how others are scared of someone with a gift that can help others. For it is through this gift that we learn about the universe and grow closer to it." Body: "Grom couldn't believe what he was looking at. Several animals were running around everywhere in the village, scared out of their minds because they had recently become animals. cfa1e77820